Saturday, January 19, 2008

Never Gonna Be The Same

Malang, 19 Januari 2008

We are never gonna be the same..
We could be the same again..
Could we?

I don’t know..
Do you know?
You don’t know either..

We are not the same person now
We are not the same person we knew each other before
You act like you don’t know me
I act like I don’t know you
We are avoiding each other

We are not finishing the problem yet
But who cares
Cause you think like what I think, or vice versa
Just like you said,
“Avoiding each other and letting the problem long draw out.
It’s more better than facing it and arise the new problem again”.

I just pretending like you were never exist
You just pretending like I was never exist
That’s not too difficult

I have no idea
How you feel about that
But that “pretending things” makes me

I keep going on
I keep moving forward
I keep pretending like I have never knew you before
I keep pretending like you were never exist

Those are uncomfortable

If only
I’m a witch
I’ll use that Memory Incantation to myself
I just have to say, “Obliviate!”.
Then I’ll forget everything about you
And us

If only..

P. S:
Thanks a lot to LOSGILSENTAZ_HXC for listening me.

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